
E-M10 Mark III – OLYMPUS M.14-150mm F4.0-5.6 II

The Meadow Grasshopper, scientifically known as Pseudochorthippus parallelus, is commonly referred to as the ‘Krasser’ in our region. However, due to the presence of many similar species and my uncertainty about its exact identification, I simply call it ‘Camouflage’.

The meadow grasshopper is a common species found in grasslands and meadows across Europe. Known for its green and brown coloration, which provides excellent camouflage among grasses, it plays an important role in the ecosystem as both a herbivore and a food source for various predators. The male meadow grasshopper is particularly notable for its distinctive song, produced by rubbing its hind legs against its wings, a behavior known as stridulation.

Written by ChatGPT, with a little help from Marc 🙂

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One thought on “Camouflage

  1. Die staat er weer netjes en haarscherp op.

    Voor mij is het al een tijdje geleden dat ik nog wel eens op jacht ging naar sprinkhaantjes. Tegenwoordig begin ik daar niet meer, tenzij ik er eentje in de schoot geworpen krijg. Normaal zijn ze me vel te snel en te laag bij de grond de laatste jaren


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