Small Copper – Lycaena Phlaeas – Kleine Vuurvlinder

E-M10 Mark III – OLYMPUS M.14-150mm F4.0-5.6 II – RawTherapee 5.10 + Adobe vivid

The small copper, known in Dutch as the “kleine vuurvlinder” (Lycaena phlaeas), is a vibrant butterfly common across Europe, including Belgium. It has a wingspan of 25-35 mm, with fiery orange and copper-colored wings adorned with dark spots and a distinctive border. The butterfly’s habitats range from grasslands and meadows to gardens and roadside verges, preferring areas where sorrels (Rumex species), its larval food plants, are abundant. Adaptable to various environments, it is found from lowland areas to mountainous regions across Europe, Asia, and North America.

The small copper produces multiple generations per year, with females laying eggs on the underside of host plant leaves. The green, well-camouflaged caterpillars feed on these leaves until pupation. Adults are visible from early spring to late autumn, with males being territorial and often seen basking in the sun or feeding on nectar. Although not endangered, local populations can be impacted by habitat loss and land use changes. Conservation efforts aim to maintain diverse habitats supporting a variety of plant species. The small copper is a symbol of biodiversity, bringing joy and inspiration to nature enthusiasts with its striking appearance and resilient nature.

Written by ChatGPT and a little help of Marc

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