Grey Heron – Ardea Cinerea – Blauwe Reiger

OM System OM-1 Mark II – Olympus 100-400mm f5-6.3 – RawTherapee 5.10

First shots on OM-1 with the Olympus 100-400mm with 1.4x tele converter.

I took this photo five days ago with the new camera, using the Olympus 100-400 telephoto lens with the MC14 mounted. Although the distance was greater than yesterday, I still feel the camera performed better with the Leica lens compared to the Olympus lens. In the meantime, I’ve requested an adjustment on the RawTherapee forum for opening ORF files. It works currently, but requires a significant adjustment to the exposure. Converting ORF files to DNG using the Adobe DNG converter is a workaround, but it’s cumbersome, so the adjustment should be made as soon as possible. I’ll keep you updated on any developments.

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